Automatic Cutting Machine - FEATURES
1) Industrial Shop Floor Automatic Abrasive Cutting Machine Servocut-8A,
Features / Catalogues Attached with PLC and Drives
7.5 HP Triple Belt Drive,
Internal Chamber 1000x1000X1000 mm
Three Axis Movements.: 550X400X300 mm.
Keypad and Touch screen based operation, customised for your components.
Cutting Wheel Oscillations movements in addition to Conventional cutting using High RPM cold abrasion.
Multi Jet high pressure cooling system using programmed 1 HP pump.
Multijet High Pressure machine wash system for 1 touch cleaning of entire Cutting Chamber
Double Limit switches provision in mechanically and extra inputs in PLC
All three working modes simultaneously available:
1. Fully Manual mode using Hand Levers
2. Semi-Automatic using Hand held Keypad Control
3. Fully Programmed mode for totally hands free operation and
preset parameters.
2) Motorized X Movement for Cross Feed using Mitsubishi/ Delta VFD and
Gear Box.
3) Double Layer tray filtration System with double sieves - will accommodate
and tear off existing filter paper
4) Programmable and Variable RPM for cutting Wheel from HMI using
Mitsubishi/ Delta VFD
5) Automatic Servo System for Z axis for programmed depth of cuts.
6) Extra charges for all SS 304 16 Gauge fabrication for entire inner and
outer cutting chamber with SS Ribs support and SS Screws